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Why Templar Wraps Doesn't Use Low Cost Chinese Vinyl, and Neither Should YOU!

Sure, we all want a bargain, a "great deal"...who doesn't?

But cheap, low cost vinyl wrap material is NOT a good idea, and here's why:

1. All vinyl wrap materials areare made from the same basic raw materials; polyvinylchloride (PVC) polymer, plasticizer to make the film flexible, pigment to make the desired color, and additives to help achieve specific properties such as UV absorbers to improve resistance to UV radiation, heat stabilizers, fillers and processing aids. These raw materials can be chosen from a wide range of quality levels. Of course, for a low cost film, often the least expensive raw materials are chosen.

2. There is very little "manual labor" involved! So remember, "low cost" vinyls from overseas have low costs becuse they use low cost-low quality materials. Once the formula is mixed, the machines produce (extrude) the there's little "low-cost labor" savings.

3. Quality: all vinyl wrap looks good in the box; but wwhen you actually rool it out the cheap stuff is obvious: color mismatches on the same sheet, and fading at the begining and ends of a roll, and variations in thickness is often seen. Quality vinyl such as 3M and Avery produces is uniform in color, texture and designs which is always consistent.

Finally, remember, all wraps look great initially, but the cheap vinyl begins to show is poor quaty very quickly: shringage, fading and color/thickness variations become real obvious. And that's why Templar Wraps will never use any of the cheap Chinese, Far East products.

There's a reason 3M and Avery are the vinyl wrap industry leaders and they provide a warranty!


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